Russia Starts Testing Anti-Swine Flu Vaccine

swine flu

On Thursday, clinical tests of a live swine flu vaccine started in the northwest Russian city of St. Petersburg.

Marina Stukova, chief researcher for molecular virology and gene engineering at the The Influenza Research Institute said that today they are starting research to evaluate the safety and efficiency of a live viral vaccine and added that the research, indluding inactivated vaccine tests to be launched after September 18, should be complited in November.

The new vaccine will be tested in Sergiyev Posad, 75 kilometers northeast of Moscow, so that a total of 60 volunteers will be involved. Each is the sum of 10,000 rubles ,around $ 320.The tests will be closed to the press. The first stage of last 31 days include 30 volunteers. They will spend a week in hospital and later will have to make several visits to the Institute. The second group to receive the live vaccine will be tested in 42 days.

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